Mind-Blowing Google Ads Facts  - Part 1


Google Ads uses a real-time auction system where advertisers bid for ad placements, but did you know that the auction takes place in just a fraction of a second? It's an intense battle to win the coveted ad spots!

Quality Score

Google rewards ads with high-quality scores by offering better ad positions and lower costs per click. So, maintaining a strong ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate is crucial for success.

Display Network

Google's Display Network has the potential to reach over 90% of global internet users, with ads appearing on millions of websites, videos, and apps. It's a vast digital landscape waiting to be explored!

Ad Extension

Enhance your ads with extensions like sitelinks, callouts, and call extensions to provide additional information and increase visibility. These extensions often lead to higher click-through rates and better performance.

Remarketing Magic

Google Ads allows you to target previous website visitors with customized ads, giving you a second chance to convert potential customers. It's a powerful tool to bring back lost prospects.